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Telling stories and immortalizing important moments with jewelry

Aurora Simmons

Probably the most fulfilling element of my work as a jewellery artist is in creating custom pieces that memorialize important moments for people. Wedding and engagement jewellery usually come to mind when we think of pieces that immortalize moments, but there are so many more ways to use jewellery to mark significant events like anniversaries, births, important life moments, end even the loss of a loved one, and there are so many more forms of jewellery than just rings.

Each piece can tell a story about the wearer, the giver, if there is one, their values, and the things that are important to them. Below are a few of my projects that have been especially meaningful, symbolizing love, loss and individual values in a kaleidoscope of varying forms and motifs.

This pendant was created as a 20th wedding anniversary gift. I made it from sterling silver and the border and gemstone bezels are made from gold. The stones are 3 created emeralds meant to evoke the green of a leaves of a tree. This piece was made to signify the strength of their 20 year relationship, but to also bring to mind her connection with nature and pagan spirituality. Both of the members of this couple are brilliant nature photographers so it was especially significant to have the symbol be a tree.

I just completed these wedding pendants for a couple who are already married but are looking forward to celebrating their relationship with family and friends this summer. Neither of them is really a ring wearer, so they decided that these pendants would be the right way to commemorate their love. Their favourite flowers are, forget me not, and lily of the valley respectively, and they shared that on their first ever date, they walked past both of the flowers, growing together beside the path. I put both flowers, entwined in their pendants and we added their respective birthstones. Each of them will be wearing her partners birthstone in her necklace. Sapphire and Alexandrite for September and June.

Signet rings have long been used to express the heraldry of the wearer. Few things are as meaningful to a person as their heraldry, which often depicts things that symbolize their connection to their family, where they live, or what sort of work they do. This piece was based on the clients heraldry of a sword, a lily and flames. He is a military veteran who practices historical sword arts, and is a fervent believer in turning trauma and pain into something valuable and giving back to his community. I was honoured to be able to make this signet ring for him to wear every day, signifying his values and where he comes from.

This one is a bit of a sad story. Last winter, my beloved cat of 13 years passed away. I was heartbroken and still miss her terribly. Over the years I had kept her whiskers as they fell off and I had a collection saved up for when the inevitable moment came. She was a black kitty and she loved to sit in our backyard and survey the squirrels. So I thought it was appropriate to set an onyx with a leaf motif in gold since she had golden eyes. Underneath the stone I set one of her whiskers coiled up so a little part of her is with me whenever I wear the ring. It is very precious to me, and helps me keep her memory near. It evokes the tradition of memento mori hair jewellery that was common in the 19th century. A very tangible way to keep our loved ones close.

To end on a happier note, this was a special pendant a dear friend commissioned as a gift for his uncle. His name in Hebrew signifies love, and peace, and my friend wanted to make the pendant about his uncles identity and his warm and loving personality. He chose a heart for love and a dove for peace. The family last name also has a reference to books in it, so it made sense to set the figures in a book. This was a fun piece to make as a familial token that will travel with it’s new owner and remind him of how loved he is by his nephew wherever he goes.

I hope you enjoyed these little jewellery stories, its a special and fulfilling way to connect with people and I am honoured that I get to do it. I’ll leave you with a few more notable custom pieces that I made recently.

A Chance to see Medieval combat for a good cause.

Aurora Simmons

Above, is me in my late 14th century harness getting ready to fight at an event a few years ago.

Every year, my reenacting group hosts an event called Deed of Alms, when we get together a group of practitioners of medieval combat to participate in a day of sparring.
By clicking through the above link, you can sponsor me and help me fundraise for those in need. You can also attend the event in person. The event will take place at 85 Fog road in King city Ontario between 11 and 5. Armoured Combat will take place in the afternoon starting around 2 pm.

This event is a way for us to give back to our community by fundraising for those in need. Toronto's unhoused population is currently experiencing extreme discomfort and danger in the form of the smoke and heat and everything we can do is helpful for making their lives a little better. We donate to West Neighbourhood house, a group that offers a place to go for unhoused people, support for refugees and newcomers, the elderly and kids. We have seen first hand the work they do to support those in need and fundraising for them gives us a way to reach out and get money where it needs to be. This year, we will be also donating half of the funds raised to help get a family of Afgahni refugees out of the Pakistan refugee camp they have been living in for months, and safely here to Canada where they can begin a new life.
You can read more about that here.
Please sponsor me if you're able, either by donating to our fundraiser online, or coming to see us and donate in person!
Thanks again for all your support!

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This Saturday Join me at the Toronto blues fest where I will be vending

Aurora Simmons

I am excited to be attending the Toronto Blues Fest on June 24th as a vendor this upcoming weekend. It will be a fun day of music and food and there will be a number of artisans like such as myself selling their wares. This event is hosted by the Toronto East Rotary Club who were running my favourite Christmas market before the pandemic.

I have health concerns that make me especially high risk for covid so I haven’t been able to do indoor shows for a while so I am excited to have the chance to participate in an outdoor show.

The location is the East York Civic Center right at Coxwell and Mortimer. I intend to put many of my pieces on sale and it’s a great chance to see them in person and really get the tactile experience.

I look forward to seeing you there!