Shipping Info
We ship with Canada Post. If you would like to request rush shipping or shipping with a different carrier, that can be arranged by special request. Please make note of any special shipping requests in your order or by email before making your order. All of our products are insured by the carrier during shipping and Handmade Revolution will deal with the carrier should any insurance claims arise. Most items will be shipped out within 5 business days of the order. If an item needs modification before shipping, or if a special request has been made it can take up to 2 weeks to ship an item. The customer will be informed in such a case within 2 business days of making the order. In situations where an item is damaged during shipping, the customer must photograph the damage, and send a copy of the photograph to Handmade Revolution for our records. The item must then be returned to Handmade Revolution within 7 business days at which point it will be exchanged for an identical item if the claim proves to be correct.