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The ninja-est engagement rings.

Aurora Simmons

I was honored to be able to participate in a really fun and romantic engagement proposal a few weeks ago, and I wanted to share the story. It includes mystery, subterfuge, excitement, romance and of course jewellery, so it's bound to be a great read.

My friend Morgan suspected that her partner Ian might propose at a big music festival called Harvest. Being a good feminist she thought she should have something to give back when Ian  popped the question, so she had me make him a secret engagement ring as well. She was right, because Ian had already commissioned her engagement ring from me. also in secret, of course.  The rings were both finished the day that Ian had planned to propose, and as I arrived at Harvest, much later than I had planned, Ian and Morgan both came to meet me at the gates. I was in a tizzy as to how to get them each their respective rings without the other one catching on.  Morgan came over to my side of the car to chat with me, and Ian stayed on the drivers  side of the van chatting with my partner Chris. I sneakily handed Morgan the ring for Ian, and then while she was distracted I handed Chris the ring for Morgan to give to Ian. Still with me? 
Amazingly, neither one noticed the other pass off. It was truly the ninja-est ring delivery ever. 
We then took a walking tour of the site, and eventually we got to a tent, where Ian told Chris, "hold my beer". (So appropriate) And took Morgan inside. 
A few minutes later they called for us to come in. Ian was still on his knees with Morgan and around them were candles and lots of beautifully framed pictures of their life together. There was also a written sign saying "Will you marry me?" 
Morgan was tearing up and Ian was totally surprised by the ring she had had made for him. 
It was pretty much the most romantic thing I have ever seen in real life. And it was so wonderful to get to participate in this special moment. 


The rings are, for her: princess cut morganite ( for Morgan obviously) accompanied by two diamonds from Ian's grandmothers earrings. They are set in rose gold. 
For him: A rose gold base, with layers of antler, copper and maple, creating a striped band. It was a really fun challenge to make and I really enjoyed working with the organics especially the antler, since I am used to metal. 

I love making wedding and engagement jewelry. It's incredibly rewarding, and fun, but it was extra awesome to get to make the rings for my friends, and then be with them at this special time.