Modern Jewellery
Handmade revolution provides handmade jewellery for men and women.
Arrowhead Focus Rings
Arrowhead Focus Rings
In stock in light blue teal tourmaline
We all have times in our lives when we need help focusing. Reminiscent of the head of an arrow, these sterling silver rings are designed to remind you of what you want to be focusing on right now. Wear your chosen ring on your right hand, ring-finger, and whenever you see it, it will remind you of what your priorities are. Our chosen focus can change from day to day, so you may wish to own all three rings so you can have the appropriate reminder for whatever you are going through right now.
White sapphire symbolizes clarity and will. If you are struggling with your vision of the future or a sense that everything is out of control, the clarity if this white sapphire will help remind you that, even in the most chaotic times, we must still our minds, and take one step at a time to get to where we are going. Let the sparkling white stone help you find peace in turmoil.
Green tourmaline symbolizes creativity. Sometimes you need to keep yourself unedited, let the ideas flow without criticizing or judging them. This gemstone is for those times in your life.
Blue sapphire symbolizes emotion. When you need to remember to give yourself permission to feel your feelings. When you’re going through a tough time or a big change, this stone reminds you that giving yourself room to feel is the best way through.