What a lovely market
Aurora Simmons
Despite the cold, yesterdays pop-up at the Center For Social Innovation, was a really successful day. We met some great entrepreneurs, sold some jewellery and got to soak up the creative and energetic vibe of the wonderful space that is CSI. Off to the Market, a blog about markets around the world, gave us a friendly mention and took a few photos of our work.
Some great connections were made, and we feel it was an auspicious beginning to Handmade Revolution's life as a business. If you couldn't make it, never fear we are planning a spectacular Handmade Revolution soiree for late June and we will keep you up to date about that, especially if you join our mailing list.
There were some other really great creators at the event yesterday, and we particularly want to draw your attention to Caroline of Garnet and Ashes, a swanky artist, who always has some fab art to give a golden breathe of fresh air to a gray day.
We were also really impressed with Local Buttons, who will be online soon. They sell amazing jackets and vests, from up-cycled clothing, created in a fair trade facility in Haiti. The two ladies in charge had great style, and amazing energy and we hope to be talking more about them very soon.
That's all for now, after such a fun event, today is all about catching up on that pesky paperwork.